Thursday, May 29, 2008

Has there really been a change in the quality of education this year?

I will maintain that the answer to this question is yes! There is a different feel to the high school this year. Teachers are again excited about their craft. They're sharing their expertise in true learning communities. Students notice a change in the manner in which teachers present information and solicit their feedback.
These are just a few of the changes attributed to two major initiatives: Thoughtful Education and our Technology Integration initiative.
Thoughful education has provided teachers with a host of strategies to differentiate instruction and learning. The information is presented and shared in learning teams and further shared on a virtual platform. Teachers use technology not only as a tool to enhance learning but as a tool for sharing information and professional growth. Collaboration is always something we encourage amongst our teachers. Now, collaboration can be anyplace, anytime. If that collaboration can't be fact-to-face, it can happen on-line within a virtual platform.
There are two platforms that are beginning to develop. A wiki to share the community of practice and use of a social networking platform on Ning
Pat Aroune has been instrumental in helping us integrate our thoughtful education initiative and technology. I believe we are truly treading on uncharted territory and the journey has been very exciting. Thank you Pat and thank you teachers for embarking on our journey.


Anonymous said...

In light of your post I would like your comments regarding School Culture and Training of Teachers. What turned the culture around at Iroquois CSD -leadership at all levels and teacher enthusiasm I know but are there other factors you and your team can identify? Is your teacher interview process different today than 5 years ago? How does your school deal with cultural change - what avenues are there in the system besides isolated subjective disgust?

NRochelle said...

In addition to administrative leadership and teacher enthusiasm, we have board support that adds these initiatives and approves them as "District Goals" for the year. Another message that these efforts are important to us and expected.

Another factor in the change was to allow teachers to define the pace. We presented our goal and direction, the saw demonstration upon demonstration from colleagues moving forward with the changes. This had more meaning to them than any lecture or presentation could.

In our district, we have several buildings. Each building has their own culture and while we strongly encourage district continuity, each building does move at its own pace. The principals work with teachers in their building to define the pace and needs.

"Stay the course". We all know about the effects of change as a process. Teachers want to know that if they embark upon an initiative it will be sustained: not the "flavor of the month".

We always look to hire the best. We do ask more questions about literacy, technology and their perspective about what students need in the 21st century. Essential is a careful assessment of how they will fit into the culture and deal with change.