Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Steve Hargadon interviews Susan Patrick on Web 2.0

In reading Steve's recent post, I was so impressed with her interview and this quote. It is truly what we face on so many levels. Whether passing budgets and asking for "extras", increasing transportation routes (when parents have walked 2 miles, up hill, both ways), etc...
My only concern is that while many parents have this perspective, if leaders are still functioning in this mindset, they don't belong being leaders in the 21st century.

"Our biggest barrier is our memory of what schools look like. Those of us running the schools have a very strong memory of 'this is how a school looks, this is how it works.' And the system itself is designed to be very resistant to change. But the innovation and the change is going to come very naturally to our students, and if we are going to keep our students in school--which we have to--...we're going to have to make these jumps and these adaptations. And the thing is, if we don't make them, students will simply go around us. We really need to strengthen our public institutions by being open to new ways of doing things and having them adapt to the School 2.0 model.... I don't think those of us in the U.S. understand how stuck we are in the status quo, and how precarious the situation is for our kids to be successful in the new global economy."