Sunday, February 18, 2007

More on Connectivism

The incredible thing about blogging is that through blogs, I learn an unbelievable am0unt of new information. Sometimes my head feels like it's going to explode. This notion of connectivism, which I am just beginning to understand is the notion that while everything is connected, we need to make sense of all of the information we read and learn. We need to make connections with people, with information, and with prior learning. The digital age has put a new twist on connecting. I came across a reference which I believe to be one of the first articles dealing with connectivism.

George Seiman is the author and the article was written two years ago (humbling as I sometimes wonder how out of touch I am). While it may be too technical for some, there are basics to be read. Behaviorism, constructivism and learning theories are compared which all, in some fashion form the basis for connectivism. Will Richardson just participated in a conference dealing with connectivism. There even appears to be schools that tie their curriculum into connectivism theory. I'd be interested in any examples or opinions as I attempt to make sense of yet another theory. One google search and there are many references.....again, feeling out of touch or behind the does one keep up?

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