Just a quick post to wish you all a happy, healthy 2007. I see 2007 as a year of change for schools and education. Technological advances, The Commission on Education and Economy's Recommendations and New York State's P-16 initiative is sure to change how, if not what we teach our students. We also look ahead to what Karl Fisch's school is planning for "Vision 2020"- the year in which this year's incoming kindergarteners will graduate high school. It is hard to even imagine what schools will look like by then but if what has begun with use of the read/write web is any indication, schools will certainly be much different than what they look like today.
Now that I have added ClustrMaps, it amazes me to actually see the power of the web. To think that there are people in Egypt, London, Australia, China and Japan viewing this blog is something that blows my mind. As Thomas Friedman professes, the world has certainly flattened!
To all those pioneers that have begun the journey, continued success in your persistence!
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