Sunday, December 17, 2006

Looking for some great books for holiday gifts...even for yourself

The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman, that wasn’t on the list. However, I still believe it to be a must read for every modern educator.

I have also read David Warlick’s Raw Material’s for the Mind: A Teacher’s Guide to Digital Literacy. If not already in my collection, this too would have been on my list.

My list this year includes three other valuable reads for educators…

1. Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century; David Warlick. David is truly one of the great minds and motivators of educational change in the new century. His words cut, challenge, enrage and inspire readers and listeners to reevaluate how we educate our children.

2. Blog, Wikis, Podcasts and other powerful Web Tools for the Classroom; Will Richardson. Richardson is another of the true visionaries who is able to provide practical and effective ways to use web-based tools to flatten our classrooms into participatory learning environments.

3. The Long Tail; Chris Anderson. In many ways, I wouldn’t even be able to enjoy any of these titles without the advent of the Internet as a place of commerce. Anderson’s book evaluates the effect on the commercial viability of information sources as companies like and - here in Canada - Chapters/Indigo increasinly rely on the web as a place to do business.

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