Collaborating, networking, sharing, writing, commenting. Just how much can we do at one time? Is their one vehicle that's better than another? Should we use one stop shopping like Ning where we can blog, have discussion forums, join groups and post videos and pictures rather than a variety of tools that do each of those things in isolation?
These are some of the questions that I struggle with lately. There are so many tools out there, is any one better than the other? I've often written about keeping up. How do you keep you blogs updated, maintain a social network that have meaning and purpose, twitter about ever move you make (including those that twitter about what they're having for breakfast)? Add mobile phones, texting and e-mail and you can pretty much consume a day.
I wish there was an easy answer. What it all comes down to is purpose and audience. You may want to put information out on the web for comment or just interesting reading but would not want the same audience in your social network. You may want to start a social network for a class or a group of professionals that has a limited and selective audience. You may want a platform where multiple people can add and edit information (such as in a wiki).
You need to decide for yourself and make decisions with consideration to the following:
--First and foremost, do you have something to contribute (young or old, I do believe we ALL have something to communicate and share).
-Are you able to make a time commitment to be current and relevant?
-Do you want to put out information for readers to learn information, perhaps commenting occasionally but not interfere with your posts?
-Do you want to develop a network where all information can be shared, edited, and include resources to meet the needs of a particular group?
-Do you wnat the ability to chat in real-time as you create your work?
These are just a few of the questions I grapple with and think everyone that is involved in Web 2.0 should consider. What do you think?
.....Yes, this is the audience participation of our show!!